*~*The Britney Miracle*~*


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Britney's Personal Life:

Full name : Britney Jean Spears

Birth date : December 2 , 1981

Home town : Kentwood , Louisiana.

Zodiac Sisn : Sagittaruis

Stats : member of MMC since 1993, appeared in the 1991Off-Brodway Production, Ruthless

Goals : wants album to be successfuland wants to tour

Favourite singers/groups : Mariah Carey, Areosmith, Prince, N'Sync, BSB, Thrid Eye Blind

Favourite food : ice cream, pasta, hot dogs

Favourite colour : baby blue

Favourite hangout : shopping at the mall and hanging out there with her friends

Hobbies : singing, dancing and reading romance novels

Favourite movies : "My Best Friend's Wedding" and "Steel Magnolias"

Favourite clothing designer : Betsey Johnson , Bebe ,A/X by Giorgio Armani

Sports activities : basketball , swimming, soccer, dancing.

Favourite team : Chicago Bulls , New York Yankees

College hopeful major : Business or Communications.

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